About Pookie Mindset

Hello, and welcome to my corner of the internet where I’m on my journey to sharing my hobbies and interests with the world. I used to be someone who was scared to express my thoughts and feelings and taking up space. But then one day, I realized that by doing so, I was keeping myself from living as the main character in my life. I was inspired by my pup, Pookie, who is unapologetically himself every single day, and decided that I should be more like him.

He’s a sweet yet assertive boy who:

  • articulates his wants and needs
  • focuses on solutions rather than dwells on problems
  • freely expresses himself

He doesn’t seek the approval of others and lives his best life following his own rules.

I aspire to be just like him and have taken it upon myself to adopt his Pookie Mindset.

I like many things including: beauty, fashion, tech, home goods, digital art, weight lifting, anime, and romance books.

Hope we can connect soon!
