Study Plan: How to prepare for an exam when you’re 2 weeks out

Photo by Pixabay

Picture this: you’re in class and listening to a lecture and taking some notes. Class ends and some of your classmates are talking about the lesson. Then someone asks “Have you guys started studying yet?” And then you remember that exam season is coming up and you haven’t reviewed a thing. You wish you were the kind of person that was on top of all of your studying, and work, and friends, and family, but you just weren’t this semester. How does someone even balance good study habits with work and life? Never mind about that — you’ll worry about it for next semester because right now, you gotta worry about this current one.

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The 7 Tips and Tricks I Use to Help Me Stick To My Fitness Goals

Photo by cottonbro studio

I love working on my fitness goals and I’ve worked really hard on making my fitness be part of my lifestyle. I trust that I will get in my workout sessions 5-6x a week because I am someone who likes to workout and live a healthy lifestyle. But that doesn’t mean that it’s always easy to get to my workouts. On those days, I fall back to these 7 tips and tricks. Keep on reading below to find out the tips and tricks I use to make it that much easier for me to stick to my fitness routine.

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How I’ve Been Sticking To My Fitness Goals

Photo by Victor Freitas

Are you tired of always having to start your fitness goals again? Yeah, I was too. I used to watch a video, or see a picture of someone really fit and then get really excited about working out. I’d tell myself that I’ll start on Monday because it’s the start of the week and somehow you should always do something new on the first day of the week? And then when Monday comes around, I’d do the workout, feel bad because I was more out of shape than I thought I was, and then start making excuses for the rest of the week. My favorite was: Oh, I can’t work out because as it turns out, I don’t have the time. And then suddenly my journey was over before it even really began

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Simple Planning Tips For A Productive Work Day

Photo by Ann poan

It’s Monday, the first chance of your week to start and finish off strong. You’ve got a busy calendar and tasks to crush. Your motivation is an all time high. But as soon as you get settled at your desk to begin your work, you start picking up on all of the noise. Was it always this loud? Why is my desk so close to the door? Have I always been distracted by the sheer amount of people that walk in and out of here? I’m already getting pinged on a couple of slack threads. Let me get to these right now. Oh what? I have my first meeting in 30 mins and the block lasts until 1pm? Okay… so I can actually begin my work after 2pm, because I am going to lunch right after these meetings.

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College Survival Tips – How to Build Good Study Habits

Photo by George Milton

College — what an exciting time. It’s a time where most young adults are living on their own for the first time and have to be responsible for themselves. This means that there’s no parental figure telling the student to go study instead of going out too much, or to sit down and eat a complete meal and exercise, or to go and clean something. This amount of freedom, while exciting, can also be overwhelming, but it’s truly a fantastic time to experiment and figure out how to balance living your life with responsibilities.

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How to Survive in an Open Office Plan

Photo by Marc Mueller

… and how to be more productive at work too 🙂

Let’s face it —open office plans suck. You’re utterly exposed with no safety from prying eyes, you have no protection from outside noises (or smells), and you’re expected to be able to collaborate at any given moment, leaving you with very little “focus” time. If any of this sounds familiar to you, please keep on reading for my survival tips.

I can very clearly remember my first month at my corporate job right out of college. On my first day, I reached the office a couple of minutes before my 10am start time. I had just spent the last 2ish hours commuting to the office (more on this later) and I was looking forward to going through orientation and making it to my desk so that I could unwind for a bit. Prior to starting, I had no idea what the office looked like because I had only done phone interviews, but I’d assumed the office was going to have cubicles just like all of the other offices I had previously interviewed at. To my surprise, I was so wrong. I walked into an open office plan and it was hectic.

I saw groups of people leaving meeting rooms and saying hello to those sitting and working at their desks as they walked back to their own. I heard the gurgle of the “coffee robot” as someone made their daily cup while the beep of the microwave went off. I could not help but overhear all of the conversations that went on around me. I prayed my desk would be in some far off corner, but just as my luck would have it, I was the desk closest to the kitchen and picnic tables and I was completely exposed to everyone in the office.

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The Ultimate Makeup Guide To Long-Lasting Curled Lashes

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Hey, let’s chat about why having fabulous lashes is so important. Long, curled lashes effortlessly draw attention to your eyes, and have the remarkable ability to make your eyes appear larger and more awake. And let’s not forget the transformative power of mascara. When applied curled lashes, mascara adds volume and depth, elevating your overall look from everyday to extraordinary. So, whether you’re going for a natural or a dramatic look, remember that long, curled lashes aren’t just an accessory – they’re an expression of your individuality and a boost to your self-assured stride through life.

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