Study Plan: How to prepare for an exam when you’re 2 weeks out

Photo by Pixabay

Picture this: you’re in class and listening to a lecture and taking some notes. Class ends and some of your classmates are talking about the lesson. Then someone asks “Have you guys started studying yet?” And then you remember that exam season is coming up and you haven’t reviewed a thing. You wish you were the kind of person that was on top of all of your studying, and work, and friends, and family, but you just weren’t this semester. How does someone even balance good study habits with work and life? Never mind about that — you’ll worry about it for next semester because right now, you gotta worry about this current one.

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College Survival Tips – How to Build Good Study Habits

Photo by George Milton

College — what an exciting time. It’s a time where most young adults are living on their own for the first time and have to be responsible for themselves. This means that there’s no parental figure telling the student to go study instead of going out too much, or to sit down and eat a complete meal and exercise, or to go and clean something. This amount of freedom, while exciting, can also be overwhelming, but it’s truly a fantastic time to experiment and figure out how to balance living your life with responsibilities.

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